Shop Sofia Has Some Interesting Information About Silk That You May Not Have Known.|| Shop Sofia

When the word "silk" is introduced, pictures of light waves and opulent fabric in vivid jewel tones quickly come to mind. But how can silk go from a few protein strands to a lovely garment, scarf, pair of pants, or top? Silk Classifications The silkworm creates silk, an entirely natural fiber, to create a cocoon. The primary constituent of all silk yarns and fabrics used to produce clothing and accessories is a delicate yet durable combination made primarily of proteins. There are literally hundreds of different species of silk moths that spin cocoons, but only 70 of them are thought to have any economic worth. Mulberry is the most widely used form of commercial silk, and other common varieties include Tussah and, primarily from India, Muga and Eri. China produces the majority of the silk consumed worldwide, but Brazil and India also contribute significantly. But the Bombay Mori is one moth species that all three nations rely heavily on. This specific moth only co...