Jacquard's Brief History and Modern Innovations || ShopSofia

Made-to-order tapestries are among the earliest weaving artefacts. They were made using a method that has been around for a very long time. Today, jacquard has evolved into a comparable variety, serving as the fabric for the commercial reproduction of tapestry ornaments. The Italian jacquard , which you can purchase on our website at the lowest price, is one of the most commonly used species. The Jacquard history The Lyons weaver Joseph Marie Jacquard invented the first loom, which produced a thick cloth with a patterned weave of fibres. Its novelty was the use of cardboard cards with perforations to adjust the arrangement of the threads in the loom. The usage of such cards, the number of which may reach a thousand, allowed for the specification of a pattern that was discernible on both the product's front and back sides. Jacquard received praise from the Emperor for this invention, and a monument was built in his honour. The Lyon weavers' rebellion was brought on b...