Do You Need Some Advice On How To Start Dressing Like An Italian? || ShopSofia

Here is a list of the things to watch out for in the spring that you will see lots of Italians wearing. Hopefully, during our Milan in a Day tour, you'll be elegantly strolling through the ultra-chic Brera district! A Feminine Light Jacket Or Trench Coat Italians don't go for a jacket or a sweater when the air is still a little brisk but the Cambio di stagione (change of seasons) has already occurred, making winter clothes unneeded. They build up layers, then cover them with a beautiful exterior. That implies a gorgeous jacket or trench coat for fashionable Italian women (like Nicoletta Reggio, left and at the top!). A Sharp-Looking Jacket For Males Italian men show that wearing a jacket is not just for the office or a special event. You can go to lunch or a museum if you wear one with white, beige, or even jeans and, of course, leather shoes. Just be prepared for people to confuse you for an Italian while you're there. You won't want to forget these, ...