Do You Need Some Advice On How To Start Dressing Like An Italian? || ShopSofia

Here is a list of the things to watch out for in the spring that you will see lots of Italians wearing. Hopefully, during our Milan in a Day tour, you'll be elegantly strolling through the ultra-chic Brera district!


Italian silk Dress

A Feminine Light Jacket Or Trench Coat

Italians don't go for a jacket or a sweater when the air is still a little brisk but the Cambio di stagione (change of seasons) has already occurred, making winter clothes unneeded. They build up layers, then cover them with a beautiful exterior. That implies a gorgeous jacket or trench coat for fashionable Italian women (like Nicoletta Reggio, left and at the top!).


A Sharp-Looking Jacket For Males

Italian men show that wearing a jacket is not just for the office or a special event. You can go to lunch or a museum if you wear one with white, beige, or even jeans and, of course, leather shoes. Just be prepared for people to confuse you for an Italian while you're there.

You won't want to forget these, even if you don't care if you dress as the natives do! In the spring, the light is more intense, so wear some sunglasses to shield your eyes. Of course, Italians adore their luxury eyewear, but as long as the frame isn't too small, any style will let you blend in. Quirky is also acceptable. For ideas, go no further than the sunglasses worn by Italian fashion blogger and store owner Eleonora Carisi (and the wearer below)!


Pants In Vibrant Hues Like Pink, Scarlet, or Green (yes, even for men!)

Italians tend to wear plain blue jeans far less frequently than people from other countries. Women don't always wear dresses and men always wear suits; rather, when they do, they rarely do so in plain black or khakis. Instead, a spectrum of hues is available for pants. And both men and women can agree with that. So embrace color and include a pair of vivid trousers in your suitcase to celebrate the arrival of spring.

Remember that when it comes to fit, baggy has never been popular in Europe, and this is true for both sexes.


Suede Or Leather Footwear

The fundamentals never change, even though shoe styles do. The cliché is accurate all year round: Italians, particularly older and post-graduate individuals, favour wearing leather shoes. That may entail ballerina flats or heels for women in the spring. Try one of Italy's main outlet shops to find those wonderful leather shoes for less money.


Italian silk Dress

Adornment For Women

Women in Italy accessorize. So, if you want to pass for one, pay attention to the little things: in the last year, delicate necklaces and drop earrings have been just as popular as thick bracelets and bib necklaces. Put on whatever jewelry you like... But wear anything if you want to appear Italian!

A ubiquitous material is a silk. In any condition, it can maintain a person's body temperature at a comfortable level. It looks incredible both at the same time. It has a refined color and is even and silky. Silk's capacity to be dyed, which conveys the depth of any hue, is another advantage. It is frequently employed for making trendy, expensive clothing. In our online store, you can get high-quality Italian silk Dress that is embellished with prints created by renowned fashion designers.

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