The Healing Power Of Water & Soft Italian Silk || ShopSofia

Alessandra covered virtually all of my body with the silk Manto (cape, large shawl) in a single smooth move, floating it over my head and draping it over my shoulders. Unlike any other piece of clothes I had ever worn, this one immediately made me feel calmer and more calm. It all began in the water. Alessandra has spent many years immersed (sometimes literally) in water and her powerfully healing qualities as a student, practitioner, and subsequently trainer of numerous holistic healing practices that involve sound and the memory of water among others. Drinking water, taking a bath in it, swimming in it, floating on it, and even just sitting by it have all been shown to have healing properties. Even simply picturing being by the ocean makes me feel better. The work of the late Masaru Emoto, who has greatly influenced Alessandra's own journey, is a good place to start for those of you who might still be unfamiliar with it. The story of how water and silk mix may be essentially ...