The Healing Power Of Water & Soft Italian Silk || ShopSofia

Alessandra covered virtually all of my body with the silk Manto (cape, large shawl) in a single smooth move, floating it over my head and draping it over my shoulders. Unlike any other piece of clothes I had ever worn, this one immediately made me feel calmer and more calm.

Italian silk dress

It all began in the water. Alessandra has spent many years immersed (sometimes literally) in water and her powerfully healing qualities as a student, practitioner, and subsequently trainer of numerous holistic healing practices that involve sound and the memory of water among others.

Drinking water, taking a bath in it, swimming in it, floating on it, and even just sitting by it have all been shown to have healing properties. Even simply picturing being by the ocean makes me feel better. The work of the late Masaru Emoto, who has greatly influenced Alessandra's own journey, is a good place to start for those of you who might still be unfamiliar with it.

The story of how water and silk mix may be essentially summed up as follows: one day, Alessandra photographed a stream of water while she was doing a walking meditation. She afterward understood how the picture still kept and emanated all the energy of the water in that unique moment since it had been taken in full presence and mindfulness thanks to her being "in the zone" at the time. Enter her enduring love of design and the pursuit of beauty, fostered early on through her family's textile company, and the notion of transferring this enthusiasm to silk soon followed.

Ah, to be enveloped in a shawl-sized piece of smooth, luxurious Italian silk dress that has been "captured" with the picture and energy of water. These magnificent Manti were created by Alessandra Benetatos, also known as Adima, and serve as the foundational piece of her business, Adima Made in Presence.

You may learn more about the meticulous consideration and integrity that went into the selection of the raw materials and the creation of Adima's Manti by exploring the Adima Made in Presence website. Adima's Manti is based on the best of genuine Italian artisan craftsmanship. Haiku, which I had the pleasure of translating into English for her, is also used to explain each shawl. The true spirit of these shawls can only be expressed via poetry. These Manti offer a sensory and vibratory experience that is totally different from other jewelry. Each performance aims to put the human being in the spotlight and encourage each participant to connect with their true honest Self.

Alessandra saw how various bodies of water in various areas had a unique vibe and personality. More images were taken, and more shawls were produced, each with a distinct vibratory signature. These shawls are best chosen from that deeper intuitive place inside, that higher, wider Self who knows just what we need, just like when choosing a tarot card or a color to get a message.

Since then, whenever I have felt out of sorts—which has happened more frequently than I like to admit, even to myself—I have worn my Manto. Additionally, I wear it during meditation, whenever I practice healing on myself or with others, and just for fun.

Since I first featured Adama's lovely home and garden in this post a few years back, I have been promising you this story for a while. However, excellent things do take some time to develop and go from the dream or inspiration level to the actual world. They demand a lot of effort as well. And for the past few years, Alessandra has been working nonstop to make her goal come true.

What you see in these photos is the lovely store Alessandra built in the middle of one of Milan's most charming and historic neighborhoods, where she has held numerous events over the past few years and introduced her designs. I have been planning to share this beautiful, light-filled area with you since my most recent trip to Italy, but Alessandra had another project in the works that needed to be finished, so I held off.

Alessandra's website, where she reveals more in-depth information about herself, her passions, and how she expresses it all, is the project in question. She accomplishes this with a wonderfully shot video tale, which I have watched repeatedly not because Alessandra is a dear friend of mine but because it is so captivating and captures so much of the spirit of who Alessandra really is. Visit this site to see it, if you'd like. The video is best watched in full screen and is in Italian with English subtitles.

I don't know about your experiences, but I have discovered that a lot may change between the time you have an inspired concept and the time you actually put it into solid creation. It immediately shifts again after that. In the last couple of years, I've noticed that this has been happening even more quickly, and I anticipate that this will continue as we enter the next decade. Going with the flow, in my opinion, will not only be a wonderful idea but also the only method to live without losing our minds.

This also applies to Alessandra's many projects, which appear to be merging, as well as Adima Made in Presence. The gorgeous Milan showroom will soon only be accessible through these photographs due to the new central location (which will be revealed) as well as several stores and pop-ups.

Italian silk dress

However, the magic shawls and all of Adima's upcoming new designs will continue to be offered in other shops, through Design Italy, and by getting in touch with Alessandra personally through one of her websites. She enjoys receiving and responding to your emails.

If this introduction to this unique project has inspired you and you would like to know more about any aspect of it, I invite you to submit your questions either in the comments or directly to me via email at I have also asked Alessandra/Adima to share her unique experience and path through a series of guest posts here on the blog. Depending on the query, we may directly respond in the comments or elaborate in a blog article.

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